[PlanetCCRMA] Audacity recording blues

William M. Quarles walrus at bellsouth.net
Sat Jun 5 11:42:01 PDT 2004

Ok, I tried using Audacity in Windows Me, and there was no problems with 
recording the second channel.  Also, I found error messages about ALSA 
buffer xruns in the logs.  So, I'm guessing that the number of buffer 
periods needs to be increased, which, granted, also increases latency, 
but I don't have a choice considering that the recording gets all 
screwed up while playing back other tracks.  If anyone has any other 
ideas, please let me know.


William M. Quarles wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying just to record one mono track in Audacity, then follow up 
> with another mono track while playing back the first track.  Simple, 
> one-at-a-time multitrack recording.  I first record my guitar, then my 
> voice.  However, after recording both tracks an playing them back, the 
> vocals come out distorted and sounding like a turntable that is on 
> slomo.  I'm assuming that this is an ALSA problem, as I have heard that 
> the standard recording sampling that ALSA does is insufficient. However, 
> I really don't know, so if anyone has any ideas, they would be much 
> appreciated!
> I'm using Fedora Core 1 with the 2.4.26-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma kernel, and 
> I've already updated and upgraded everything through Apt. JACKit is 
> running, too.  I have two sound cards, but I am just using my 
> SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 Digital (CT0100).
> Peace,
> William
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