[PlanetCCRMA] midi questions/pd segfault

Jonathan Segel jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com
Wed Jul 14 12:15:02 PDT 2004

i have been trying to test midi output from SuperCollider on my 
little ccrma laptop, and can't seem to get anything out properly.
if i do MIDIClient.init in SC, it shows up in the alsa patch bay, but 
connecting it to any internal thing (zyn, etc) does nothing, they get 
no notes. i sent it out of the box, connected to raw midi out of the 
rme multiface, into my os x box and looked at the midi in  Max/MSP, 
it's getting there: port, channel, note on, note off.

second part: trying to do this all internally, i launched pd, but pd 
-mididev results in a segmentation fault.
am i missing something?
Jonathan Segel  -- MAGNETIC -- PO Box 460816 S.F. CA. 94146-0816
   jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com <-----> magsatellite at yahoo.com

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