[PlanetCCRMA] jackeq segfault

Emiliano Grilli emiliano.grilli at poste.it
Mon Jan 26 12:42:01 PST 2004

lunedì, 26 gennaio 2004 alle 10:21:17, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano ha scritto:
> > Here on RH 9 I get a segfault message when I try to run jackeq...
> > maybe the last jack upgrade has broken it?
> Just tried it and it starts here...
I've just tried under my home machine on RH 8 and is working...

> Any clues if you run it inside gdb?

Tomorrow I'll try that at work (RH 9) ;)

> -- Fernando

Thank you
Emiliano Grilli
Linux user #209089 

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