[PlanetCCRMA] nvidia

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Mon Jan 26 03:31:02 PST 2004

On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 11:06:42 +0000, tdunstan at ihug.com.au wrote:
> hi crew
> i was just wondering if someone could help me with installing nvidia drivers 
> for my ti4200. i havn't actually installed nv drivers before on linux. i have 
> only gotten so far. the nvidia installer program says that the kernal headers 
> are not correct because it is an unrecognisable kernal(ie ccrma) and it needs 
> to have some source files to recompile it(or something). i'm not connected to 
> the net so it makes it kinda hard. could someone let me know what i can do to 
> get this working, or what step that are yet to be filled.

You need to get the kernel source PRM that matches your kernel. Depending
on what RedHat version youre running you may also need to install antoher
gcc package (to match the one used to compile the kernel) or tell the
NVIDIA installer to ignore the version mismatch (thats worked for me in
the past, but may be a source of bugs).

- Steve

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