[PlanetCCRMA] AGNULA/DeMuDi 1.1.0 released

The AGNULA Team info at agnula.speech.kth.se
Wed Jan 14 16:06:02 PST 2004

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     [Sorry for cross-posting.  Feel free to forward around]

Florence, 14 Jan 2004


AGNULA/DeMuDi   1.1.0,  the  Debian-based  GNU/Linux distribution  for
audio/video, has been released.


AGNULA/DeMuDi  1.1.0,  the   Debian-based GNU/Linux  distribution  for
audio/video, has been released.

The 1.1.x series of AGNULA/DeMuDi mark  a major infrastructural change
from the 1.0 release.  While the latter was  based on Debian GNU/Linux
3.0 (a.ka.   `Woody'), AGNULA/DeMuDi  1.1.0 (and  subsequent releases)
are/will  be based   on   a  snapshot  of  Debian  GNU/Linux  Unstable
(a.k.a.  `sid').  

Instructions on how  to download and  install  AGNULA/DeMuDi 1.1.0 are
available here:


A complete list  of   packages included  into AGNULA/DeMuDi  1.1.0  is
available here:


Please report  all  bugs, requests,  criticisms using  our development
portal  [0].   Instructions on  how to  report  bugs  and requests are
available here:



About   AGNULA: Agnula (acronym  for   A GNU/Linux Audio distribution,
pronounced  with a strong g)  is the name of  a project  funded by the
European Commission  (number of contract:  IST-2001-34879; key  action
IV.3.3, Free Software:  towards the critical  mass).  The project aims
to spread Free Software in the professional audio/video arena.

Best regards,

The AGNULA Team                                   info at agnula.org        
Our mailing lists:                        http://lists.agnula.org/
Our web site:                               http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"

[0] http://devel.agnula.org/

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