[PlanetCCRMA] upgrading existing cdrom-iso install via http://... bad idea???
Alex Timmer
mijn_troep at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 9 12:03:01 PST 2004
--- Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote: > >
i've backed up my current apt.conf and sources.list, downloaded the
> > appropriate ones from the website "Configuring apt" section. note:
> i
> > added my three RH9 cdroms in the sources.list, as they are
> apt-enabled.
> > alright, or?
> Yes, correct.
> > now to where i did not dare to continue :) the actual upgrade.
> first
> > an apt-get update, all the new pkglists were fetched. great. then i
> > wanted to do the "Bring your hat up to date" step.
> > apt-get dist-upgrade brings obviously alot of packages that will be
> > updated, but this section gets me worried:
> >
> > =======
> > The following NEW packages will be installed:
> > alsa-firmware alsa-kernel-2.4.20-24.1.caps.rh90.ccrma
> > alsa-kernel-2.4.23-1.ll.rh90.ccrma fftw3 gtkmm2 imlib2
> > kernel#2.4.20-24.1.caps.rh90.ccrma
> > kernel#2.4.23-1.ll.rh90.ccrma ladcca031 libid3tag libmad
> libsigc++10
> > midishare midishare-kernel-2.4.20-24.1.caps.rh90.ccrma
> > midishare-kernel-2.4.23-1.ll.rh90.ccrma raptor097 sndlib xosd
> > 100 packages upgraded, 18 newly installed, 8 replaced, 0 removed
> and 0
> > not upgraded.
> > =======
> >
> > why does it want to install all these kernels?! at the moment i
> have
> > the original RH9 kernel (not used) and the CCRMA-ll kernel
> installed.
> Which ccrma kernel? Most probably there has been an update since you
> first installed and that's why there's kernel related stuff in the
> upgrade. To make sure you only get what you need you could do:
> apt-get install planetccrma-core
> (if that is what you originally installed, to check do:
> rpm -q -a | grep planetccrma)
> That should show whatever needs to be updated kernel-wise.
hello and thanks! as i wrote, the first install was indeed an
[root at r3z143 apt]# rpm -q -a | grep planetccrma
[root at r3z143 apt]# uname -a
Linux r3z143.mistral.cz 2.4.22-6.ll.rh90 #1 Wed Sep 10 16:54:02 PDT
2003 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
i use the latest RH9 CCRMA iso set, from 2003/10/14.
> If you _don't_ want to upgrade the kernel (if it ain't broke don't
> fix
> it - but beware if your machine is multi-user, there are bus fixed in
> the latest kernels :-) you could comment out the "planetcore" line or
> lines in /etc/apt/sources.list, do an apt-get update and try again
> with
> the dist-upgrade. That should ommit all the kernel stuff.
> -- Fernando
well i would really like to update the whole bunch. do i understand
correctly that i could try to first only upgrade "planetccrma-core" and
then see if "apt-get dist-upgrade" does not want to throw all these
kernels at me??
thanks, ALEX
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