[PlanetCCRMA] xmms-jack 0.8.1

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Wed Feb 18 00:00:03 PST 2004

xmms-jack 0.8.1 has recently been released.
It fixes the problem mentioned below (with frequency conversion routines 
in xmms 1.2.7) as well as a problem where pausing wouldn't stop the time 
in xmms from advancing.
Note that the frequency conversion changes will only work in xmms 1.2.8 
or higher (1.2.9 has just been released...)
Only known problem in the release notes is the following:

> Discovered that for some reason jack_client_close() is now blocking on 
> shutdown.  Jack's pthread_join() to the client thread is where the 
> block appears to be. I haven't been able to figure out what this 
> problem is as of yet but if anyone knows feel free to send me an email.

However I haven't found this to be a problem when running on 
RedHat/Fedora ...

Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

>Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>I'll upgrade it soon, I was not aware there was a newer version! Thanks
>>for the feedback (it gets harder and harder to keep up with new versions
>If I were you I wouldn't be in great hurry. Have a look of this last
>minute exchange with xmms-jack author, as of today:
>Chris Morgan wrote:
>>Of course.  The issue is that the frequency conversion routines were added
>>to xmms in 1.2.8.  I didn't have any idea they were added that recently so
>>I went ahead and just started using that symbol, worked fine for me of
>>course ;-)  So if you could upgrade to 1.2.8 the issue will go away, or if
>>you wait a few days I'll see about pushing out a v0.8 that will
>>dynamically load the symbol at runtime if it exists.  I'm struggling with
>>figuring out why the plugin isn't closing down correctly when xmms is
>>closing but I'll see about resolving that and pushing up a 0.8 tonight.
>>>From: "Rui Nuno Capela" <rncbc at rncbc.org>
>>>Date: 2004/02/05 Thu AM 10:42:30 EST
>>>To: "Chris Morgan" <cmorgan at alum.WPI.EDU>
>>>Subject: xmms-jack 0.7 runtime failure (undefined symbol)
>>>Hello Chris,
>>>I've just built xmms-jack-0.7-20040119, from source which compiles and
>>>install fine AFAICT.
>>>The problem is that libjackout.so doesn't get loaded at xmms runtime,
>>>spitting the following error:
>>>/usr/lib/xmms/Output/libjackout.so: undefined symbol:
>>>This happens on a Mandrake 9.2 box, with the following packages:
>>>FYI I've been running xmms-jack-0.6-20031201 with great success, and
>>>surely have been missing the new features of 0.7.
>>>Hope you can help,
>>>rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
>>>rncbc at rncbc.org
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