[PlanetCCRMA] Audacity X Wired

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Dec 29 22:52:01 PST 2004

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004, David Fraser wrote:
> Lucio Ribeiro Gomes wrote:
> >Audacity needs wxWidgets 2.4 to compile/work. One of the dependencies of
> >Wired (http://bloodshed.net/wired) is "wxWidgets 2.5.x with GTK2
> >support". Is it possible to install both version of wx to get this two
> >apps working?
> >
> It should be, if you are using apt you may need to tell it to Allow 
> Duplicate wx packages:
>  {
>   Allow-Duplicated { "^wx(GTK|GTK2)$"; };
>   }
> In your apt.conf file.
> You should be able to get hold of a wxWidgets 2.5 rpm and install it 
> (make sure you install rather than upgrade)
> I haven't tested this, let us know if you encounter problems

Whether this actually works depends on how the packages have been built.  
There should not be any overlapping files between the packages. And then
just naming the packages differently would be enough (which is what I'm
doing for qt upgrades on rh9/fc1). Sorry I did not respond to this
earlier, I've been too busy. I have to try swGTK 2.5 and see if the
programs that are using wxGTK are compatible (at the source level) with
this version. If they are I could upgrade....

-- Fernando

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