[PlanetCCRMA] Audacity X Wired

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Wed Dec 29 22:39:01 PST 2004

Lucio Ribeiro Gomes wrote:

>Audacity needs wxWidgets 2.4 to compile/work. One of the dependencies of
>Wired (http://bloodshed.net/wired) is "wxWidgets 2.5.x with GTK2
>support". Is it possible to install both version of wx to get this two
>apps working?
It should be, if you are using apt you may need to tell it to Allow 
Duplicate wx packages:
  Allow-Duplicated { "^wx(GTK|GTK2)$"; };
In your apt.conf file.
You should be able to get hold of a wxWidgets 2.5 rpm and install it 
(make sure you install rather than upgrade)

I haven't tested this, let us know if you encounter problems


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