[PlanetCCRMA] fc3: kernel update

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Wed Dec 29 07:45:01 PST 2004

OK, a brief report ...

I have 2.6.9-2.2.rdt.rhfc3.ccrma installed (via apt-get) and running
without incident. This time, the initrd was correctly built by rpm and
there appear to be no issues with basic Fedora services also running on
this box.

A couple of wierdnesses noted so far:

1.) aplay and alsaplayer don't work. They attempt to play, but repeat an
approx 200 ms segment of the file in a loop. Fernando, before installing
these FC3 kernels, I was running these apps OK with alsa 1.0.8RC1, FYI.

2.)	mplayer isn't having this problem. It sounds and behaves well.

3.)	jackstart -R -d alsa -d hw -r 44100 &

complains it can't get realtime capibilities and aborts via jackd
watchdog. Indeed, rtload won't, reporting failure.

Dropping -R gets jack to load, but pops up the following from time to time:

ALSA: poll time out, polled for 34822515 usecs

I'm too inexperienced to have a clue about that.

Attempts to play something:

'aplay -D jackplug file.wav' yields:

ALSA lib pcm.c:1944:(snd_pcm_open_conf) Cannot open shared library
aplay: main:508: audio open error: No such file or directory

Indeed, there's not even an /usr/lib/alsa-lib/ directory. How is that

One other question:

When doing apt-get dist-upgrade, I'm offered over 200 programs to be
removed and about 3 to be installed. I'm reluctant to do that as this
particular machine serves other functions. Is this usual? I'm not 100%
FC kosher, but I don't think I've strayed that far, but perhaps I have.

I could do a separate disk installation just for testing if you'd advise

PS: Hardware here is Opteron 248 on a Tyan board driving a Multiface via
PCI. Installation is FC3 i386. The FC3 x86_64 installation on another
disk still won't get any sound from the Multiface.

				Janina Sajka, Chair
				Accessibility Workgroup
				Free Standards Group (FSG)

janina at freestandards.org	Phone: +1 202.494.7040

If Linux doesn't solve your computing problem, you need a different problem.

I think a little ditty like you 
> want is just variable to be of much use.
> -- 
> Mike
>  http://www.ohmywoodness.com
>  http://mike.vorefamily.net/twr
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				Janina Sajka, Chair
				Accessibility Workgroup
				Free Standards Group (FSG)

janina at freestandards.org	Phone: +1 202.494.7040

If Linux doesn't solve your computing problem, you need a different problem.

Hardware here is Opteron 248 on a Tyan board with HDSP Multiface via PCI
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano writes:
> Hi all, just released and already an update :-) Due to a security
> privilege scalation bug I have released new fc3 kernels with an
> appropriate patch. I learned about this issue through a post from Frank
> Barknecht in the linux-audio-devel list. An "apt-get update" "apt-get
> dist-upgrade" should bring the upgrade in through the planetccrma-core
> package. 
> I have also added two meta packages that only install the kernel, rtload
> and rtirq, the alsa kernel modules and the alsa-driver package. Those
> should help if you want to mix Planet CCRMA with other repositories that
> may have "newer" (according to the rpm internal comparison of version
> and release numbers) versions of alsa-lib and other alsa-* packages. The
> names of the packages are "planetccrma-kernel" and
> "planetccrma-kernel-smp". 
> Upgrade and enjoy!
> (this delayed the release of the fc2 kernels, I'm not going to release
> something that I _know_ is buggy. I'll probably rebuild overnight and
> release tomorrow). 
> -- Fernando
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> PlanetCCRMA mailing list
> PlanetCCRMA at ccrma.stanford.edu
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				Janina Sajka, Chair
				Accessibility Workgroup
				Free Standards Group (FSG)

janina at freestandards.org	Phone: +1 202.494.7040

If Linux doesn't solve your computing problem, you need a different problem.

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