[PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #1022 - 5 msgs

Georg Wiegand gw at georg-wiegand.de
Wed Dec 22 15:14:02 PST 2004

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 09:49:07 +0800, Timo Sivula <timo.sivula at luukku.com>  

> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] FC2 2.6.7 Kernel
> From: Timo Sivula <timo.sivula at luukku.com>
> To: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Cc: nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 09:49:07 +0800

> Do the planetedge FC2 ccrma kernels come with a 4k stack? I need a 12 or
> 16k stack to use Ndiswrapper and this has sofar deteàred me from an
> upgrade.

Hi Timo, i'm running ndiswrapper (to get my wlan working) on  
2.6.7-1.437.1.ll.rhfc2.ccrma without any problem. Just recompile and fly  


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