[PlanetCCRMA] alsa-driver upgrade -- synaptic and planetccrma-core

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Dec 22 12:59:01 PST 2004

On Wed, 2004-12-22 at 09:02, Brad Fuller wrote:
> Why, when in synaptic, when I select alsa-driver 1.0.6 to be upgraded
> synaptic replies:
> To be removed:
>     planetccrma-core

Where is that upgrade coming from (BTW, thanks to fonse006 for the
explanation). You can do an "apt-cache policy alsa-driver" to see which
package is selected and why. 

> I'm using the 2.6.7-1.437.1.11.rhfc2.ccrma kernel from planetedge
> Looking in the planetccrma changelog, I take it that there is some
> link, or some stub or something builtin to this core connecting it
> with ALSA 1.0.5? Is that right? How does this actually work?

The planetccrma-core packages are empty. They just make sure you have a
coherent set of packages installed for the kernel and alsa through
requirements. Do a "rpm -q --requires planetccrma-core" to see what I

If you are upgrading to versions that are higher than the last Planet
CCRMA release then you will have to erase the planetccrma-core package
to be able to install them (no harm in doing that, except for the
potential mismatch of versions you could end up with). 

> Is there a map of core's built, or a diagram of the architecture of
> these builds? (Frankly Fernando, I don't know how you keep this all
> straight. Kudos to you! You definitely have a remarkable skill)

Just a lot of patience...
-- Fernando

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