[PlanetCCRMA] alsa-driver upgrade -- synaptic and planetccrma-core

fonse006 fonse006 at csusm.edu
Wed Dec 22 12:28:01 PST 2004

>===== Original Message From Brad Fuller <brad at sonaural.com> =====
>Why, when in synaptic, when I select alsa-driver 1.0.6 to be upgraded
>synaptic replies:
>To be removed:
>    planetccrma-core
>I'm using the 2.6.7-1.437.1.11.rhfc2.ccrma kernel from planetedge
>Looking in the planetccrma changelog, I take it that there is some link,
>or some stub or something builtin to this core connecting it with ALSA
>1.0.5? Is that right? How does this actually work?
> Is there a map of core's built, or a diagram of the architecture of
>these builds? (Frankly Fernando, I don't know how you keep this all
>straight. Kudos to you! You definitely have a remarkable skill)
>any clues for the clueless would be appreciated!
I am not that great at describing this but here goes.  First thing first, alsa 
is part of the kernel.  Specifically, alsa is a set of kernel modules that are 
compiled against a specific kernel tree.  Rpm is a package management system 
that packages precompiled binary object files along with a list of 
dependencies.  If your system does not meet all of the dependencies then rpm 
will not let you install the file.  Apt-get is a program that keeps track of 
repositories of pre packaged binaries (In planet ccrma's case rpm is the 
package management, there are several other systems for linux).  Anyway, what 
happens when you try to upgrade to the newer alsa is apt, through invoking 
rpm, checks the to see that you have the required files on your computer.  If 
you do it downloads them and invokes rpm --install which as I am sure you can 
guess, installs the package.  If you do not meet the dependencies then apt 
tries to see if it can find the required package or packages in its list of 
repositories.  If it can, it will tell you that you need to update various 
packages, if not then, hmmmm I am not really sure what happens then, but I 
assume it tells you that you cannot upgrade.  

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