[PlanetCCRMA] starting ardour - Use of deprecated SAXv1 function internalSubset

Piotr Sawicki pelle at plusnet.pl
Mon Dec 6 16:58:00 PST 2004

I have fc1 with planet ccrma
I get the following when I start ardour:

[root at localhost ardour-0.9beta19]# ardour
Ardour/GTK 0.529.3 running with libardour 0.827.4
Loading UI configuration file /usr/etc/ardour/ardour_ui.rc
Loading system configuration file /usr/etc/ardour/ardour_system.rc
Loading user configuration file /usr/etc/ardour/ardour.rc
ardour: [ERROR]: MIDI: port device in use
ardour: [WARNING]: No MMC control (MIDI port "hw:1" not available)
Use of deprecated SAXv1 function internalSubset

any ideas?

Kopalnia Dzwieku
Piotr Karol Sawicki email: pelle at plusnet.pl
strona domowa: www.piotr.art.pl
gg: 8976726
jabber ID: pelle at jabber.aster.pl

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