[PlanetCCRMA] EWS88MT installation on existing PlaneCCrma distro

Michele Spinolo michele.spinolo at tin.it
Wed Dec 1 09:36:01 PST 2004

> Assuming that this card is supported in Alsa (I don't know) two things
> come to mind:
> 1) It has a different PCI ID which is not found by the current driver.
> If so then the driver needs to be patched to recognize the card. Look
> at the device with lspci and see what you can find out.
> 2) Possibly you have a card limit value set in your modprobe.conf file
> that stops the system from seeing a 4th card?
> - Mark

Thanks for the support Mark.

I found what the problem was: this card has an external bay with analog
I/Os, and it was not connected when I tried to install the card.
I think you need to connect it in order to have the card properly
recognized: in fact simply connecting the bay leads to proper installation.

Quite strange!


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