[PlanetCCRMA] EWS88MT installation on existing PlaneCCrma distro

Michele Spinolo michele.spinolo at tin.it
Wed Dec 1 07:19:01 PST 2004

Hi guys,

I have an audio workstation running 3 Terratec EWS88D cards, using
PlanetCCrma FC1 distro with PlanetCCrma kernel.

I bought a used EWS88MT card, which I would like to add to my array: simply
installing in a free PCI slot and adding it to modules.conf gives no hw
detection: when I run envy24control -c3 I have a snd_ctl error which advise
it can't found hw:3.

I runned depmod -a after changinf modules.conf, and updated card limit
parameter: i simply add another line as I was adding an EWS88D card (should
be the same of EWS88MT regarding driver...).

Tried to stop and restart alsa drivers, reboot, but nothing changed.

I tried to remove an EWS88D card substituting it with the new EWS88MT card,
but had the same result.

What's wrong?:-(


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