[PlanetCCRMA] Re: FC2 -- Rezound

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Aug 26 13:16:02 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 12:07, BrbrOfSvl at aol.com wrote:
> ->You are doing nothing wrong. Rezound does not build currently under FC2
> and I never got the time to look at it again. I'm posting the error
> message at the end of this email. <-
> Thanks.  I downloaded the rezound tarball from sourceforge this morning, 
> and was able to build it and run it under your newest kernel... 

Strange. I'll have to look at this again. Maybe there's a newer version

> it might 
> be worth looking at again when you have time (haha).  I'm also curious:  
> do you have kernel-source packages available for some of the newest 
> kernels you've put up (need them for NVIDIA drivers...)?

You mean the 2.6.x ones? Yes, of course, they are in 

The .src.rpms, supposedly all the information you need to rebuild
external kernel modules in 2.6.x is already included in the kernel
binary package itself. The newer 2.6.x packages do not even have the
kernel-source package anymore...

-- Fernando

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