[PlanetCCRMA] Jack on FC2

Jamie Bullock jamie at postlude.co.uk
Tue Aug 24 09:51:02 PDT 2004

Dear list,

Sorry for the lame question, but I am struggling to get jack working 
with my install of FC2. I am fully in sync with the latest rpm's on the 
apt server, and I am using the 2.6.7-1.11.rfc2.ccrma kernel. Basically 
if I try to start Jack from within qjackctl I get the following output:

17:45:33.455 Statistics reset.
17:45:33.941 MIDI connection graph change.
17:45:36.459 Startup script...
17:45:36.461 artsshell -q terminate
17:45:36.822 Startup script terminated with exit status=256.
17:45:36.825 JACK is starting...
17:45:36.828 /usr/bin/jackstart -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2
17:45:36.851 JACK was started with PID=7829 (0x1e95).
jackstart: cannot get realtime capabilities, current capabilities are:
           =ep cap_setpcap-e
    probably running under a kernel with capabilities disabled,
    a suitable kernel would have printed something like "=eip"
17:45:36.994 JACK was stopped with exit status=1.
17:45:38.883 Could not connect to JACK server as client.

I don't understand this, as I have the latest kernel, and I have not 
even specified -R.

If Invoke jackd from from the command line with

jackd -v -d alsa -r 44100 -S &

The service starts, but no other applications can connect to it.

Anyone got an idea?


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