[PlanetCCRMA] problem with ALSA and RME multiface

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Aug 12 15:30:01 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-08-12 at 15:03, gryphius.ginsberg wrote:
> Mark Knecht a écrit :
> > gryphius.ginsberg wrote: 
> > > Mark Knecht a écrit : 
> > > i did it with hdspmixer (all sound is open)... but i ear nothing
> > > (i use output plugin ALSA 1.2.10 in xmms) 
> > 
> > 1) So do you see xmms sending audio to an input of the HDSP? That
> > should show up in the middle row to show the card is receiving
> > audio.
> no, when i try to play something xmms refuse and the message is :
> make sure that :
> 1 your sound card is correctly configured
> 2 you set the good output plugin
> 3 no other program stop the sound card

I'm not sure if xmms's alsa plugin can deal with multichannel soundcards
properly. That was a problem in the past (a lot of the alsa software
used to assume the world was "stereo" and would not properly query for
the number of channels the soundcard required to be sent). 

Try something different, perhaps just aplay a wav file just to check
that sound is working. Or start jack and use, for example, hydrogen and
one of its demo patterns. 

-- Fernando

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