[PlanetCCRMA] problem with ALSA and RME multiface

Mark Knecht mknecht at controlnet.com
Thu Aug 12 15:22:01 PDT 2004

gryphius.ginsberg wrote:

>> 1) So do you see xmms sending audio to an input of the HDSP? That 
>> should show up in the middle row to show the card is receiving audio. 
> no, when i try to play something xmms refuse and the message is :
> make sure that :
> 1 your sound card is correctly configured
> 2 you set the good output plugin
> 3 no other program stop the sound card

OK, this is most likely because xmms is looking for sound card 0 and 
your hdsp is sound card 1? You would really be best off to change the 
order of your sound cards so that the audio card is card 0 and the midi 
device is card 1. This will help with all the default choices.

Looking back at your modules.conf stuff, I think that Fernando was 
probably correct in suggesting that you need to look again at the 
PlanetCCRMA instructions for setting up multiple sound cards and the USB 
stuff. At least that's my guess.

I'm leaving for the day. Cannot do more until tomorrow. Good luck!

With best regards,

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