[PlanetCCRMA] added: Planet CCRMA menu system (first version)

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Apr 24 19:36:02 PDT 2004

> All Jack aware applications (some like muse and rosegarden are not) are
> launched through Qjackctl so that a Jack server will be up and running
> when they start (again, some Jack apps will need configuration before
> they will start cleanly). 

Why some Jack applications will not start from the menu, and how to fix
them (probably neither complete nor completely accurate, you get what
you pay for :-):

swami: no command line option to force jack output, default is ALSA, 
       enter preferences and edit "Fluidsynth" "Audio Driver" to "Jack"

specimen: no command line options at all, no saving of preferences
          change driver to Jack

soundtracker: no command line options (only the Gnome defaults)
              enter "Settings" "Audio Configuration" "Playback Output"
              "Jack Output"
              enter "Settings" "Audio Configuration" "Editing Output"
              "Jack Output"

rezound: there is no way to configure the default? recording is only

hydrogen: no command line option
          enter "Preferences" "Audio System" tab, "Audio Driver" "Jack"

cheesetracker: no command line options
               enter "Settings" "Configure Cheesetracker" "Audio" tab,
               "Audio Device"

amSynth: pops up a _text editor_ to set options, appears to respond to
         "-a jack" for setting the driver at startup

muse: does not have a command line option to set audio driver
      enter "Config" "Audio System" "Audio Driver" "Jack"

spiralsynthmodular: no command line option to set audio driver
                    have to configure the proper buffer size to match
                    jack buffer size

(this is from notes I took while testing things a bit a while back).
-- Fernando

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