[PlanetCCRMA] April 21 update mashes Jack... (probable cause found)

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Apr 22 10:54:01 PDT 2004

> > > I can't comment on the  current planetccrma jack package because I 
> > > brew my own, but you can downgrade easily enough with synaptic. Or if 
> > > Synaptic wont do it just go to /var/cache/apt/archives and do a rpm 
> > > -Uvh --oldpackage jack-audio-connection-  jack-audio-connection- etc
> > > Of course using the suitable old versions.
> >
> >   Thank you for the good advice. I opened synaptic, downgraded to 0.94, 
> > and I have Jack again. I'd like to upgrade but haven't heard back from 
> > Fernando yet about what could be causing the trouble here (never had any 
> > problems with installing Jack on the Planet via the usual means).
> It works here (tested on rh9/fc1)... what version of RedHat/Fedora are
> you using so I can try it again?

The problem is related to the configure script of the new Jack. Dave has
a Duron processor which probably does not implement the full pentiumII
instruction set (Emiliano: which processor are you running?). The new
Jack configure script is apparently ignoring the CFLAGS build
environment variable and optimizing for a processor higher than i386...
I'll see what's the best workaround and will release a newer version

-- Fernando

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