[PlanetCCRMA] unload oss sound driver problem [disabling ARTs]

derek holzer derek at x-i.net
Sat Apr 17 07:29:00 PDT 2004

Hi Chun,

chun lee wrote:

> i am presuming that soundcore is the oss driver that i want to remove,
> please correct me if i am wrong. if i am right, it seems that i need to
> free it first, how could i do this?

It looks like some sound app is using it already. It could be that ARTs, 
which is the sound server for KDE, is using it. If you tunnel through 
the desktop menus for KDE, you will find a button to disable ARTs. This 
is a good idea anyway, as it just causes problems. Would be nice to see 
this mentioned in the docs.

Otherwise, maybe you started up some OSS sound app by accident somewhere 
along the way?

Maybe something like:
$ lsof | grep dsp
might tell you which app is using /dev/dsp. Then you can
$ kill -KILL (pid number)
that process.

$ lsmod
will tell which modules are active, and you can "rmmod" the ones 
depending on soundcore before unloading that module itself.

BTW, are you following the documentation on the webpage in order while 
doing all this? I just noticed your other question about the RPMs, which 
also looked like either you weren't working as root, or you had another 
RPM process working already. I just did a Fedora Core I installation 
last week, and by following the steps on website in order, everything 
came out fine [except disabling ARTs, which wasn't listed there...]

good luck,

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 3:
"A very small object
-Its centre"

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