[PlanetCCRMA] Some CCRMA newbie questions and suggestions

Gregory D. Weber gdweber at indiana.edu
Sun Apr 11 17:07:02 PDT 2004

joakim verona writes:
 > - Some free soundfonts for fluidsynth, maybe based on "eawpats" that 
 > timidity uses.
 > Thats all for now!
 > Regards,
 > /Joakim

The HammerSound web site is where I've gone for sound fonts:
I've had mixed results -- some fonts good, some bad --
some need to be decompressed with software which
is only available for Microsoft Windows -- and no way to
know that until you've actually downloaded it -- or not available
at all, at least not from the original vendor. 

ASCII plain text is the document format that maximizes readability and 
minimizes hassle and hazard.  It is the format of the official documents
defining Internet protocols (http://www.rfc-editor.org/).

Gregory D. Weber

Associate Professor of Computer Science, Indiana University East
2325 Chester Boulevard, Richmond, Indiana 47374-1289, U.S.A.
Telephone: (765) 973-8420         World-Wide Web http://mypage.iu.edu/~gdweber/

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