[PlanetCCRMA] I'm really getting into this -- need input onentry-level pro-quality hardware

Brian Jarrett bjarrett at garcoschools.org
Sun Apr 4 21:55:02 PDT 2004

I'm assuming you meant the M-Audio OmniStudio...

I had seen some for sale on ebay, but thought the USB connection might be problematic...

Now I see that there is also an OmniStudio product with PCI card.  Is that the model you are using?


-----Original Message-----
From: Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano [mailto:nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU] 
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 8:49 PM
To: Brian Jarrett
Cc: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] I'm really getting into this -- need input onentry-level pro-quality hardware

> only partially supported.  So, can anyone recommend something that
> works well?  Iÿm hoping to find something with the following features
> (and realizing that I may not get them all):
> 24bit/96khz A to D conversion
> External unit (so there is no interference from PC circuitry, unless
> experience shows this isnÿt really a problem.)
> At least 4 inputs, 8 would be better
> Less than $500??
> Good dynamic range
> Iÿve got a few devices that output SPDIF, so it would be cool if I
> could get an input for that too.

I have a lot of Midiman OmniStudio boxes here at CCRMA (a Midiman Delta
66 + external OmniIO box). It is well supported by ALSA (as well as the
1010lt mentioned in the same thread) and has 4 line level inputs and
outputs (balanced), 2 mic amps, can do 24/96Khz i/o, and has 1 spdif
port. Very good audio quality. The only thing missing is a MIDI port. 

-- Fernando

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