[PlanetCCRMA] Planet Well done!

Chris Camacho chris_camacho at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 3 08:34:02 PST 2004

been using planet ccrma for a few days now...

I'd just like to thank all the contributors for such good job.

I installed on top of fedora core 1, and I'm pleasantly suprised
at how painless it all was...

To see unrelated apps like xmms and jack rack working together so
well was a real treat, mp3's :O like you never heard b4!!
Qsynth is a nice sound even with a small 8mb bank
and as for amsynth well the list goes on.

Does anyone know of any app or framework which will allow me to save
collections of synths, effects and their setting as one project.
Will I really remember in 6 months time just how I configured half
a dozen different apps for a particular song...

Has anyone come up with a way of solving this problem, or am I just
missing that 1 app in the sea of hundreds in planet ccrma.

Again thanks to all who contributed to planet ccrma

All the best

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