[PlanetCCRMA] planetcore Kernel on other distros

J. Scott Amort jsamort at shaw.ca
Thu Sep 25 11:46:01 PDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 09:48, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> I got another request like this a few days ago. I guess I could run an
> rpmbuild -bp, which only prepares the sources for building (including
> applying all patches) and then tar _that_. Most probably you could use
> that to build your kernel. Would this be useful?

Sorry Fernando, I think I sent a reply directly to you instead of to the
list.  Here it is again.  For anyone else who is interested, I went
ahead and did the rpmbuild -bp (I have access to a RedHat machine) and
then tarred that source and took it over to my Slackware machine. 
Everything compiled great!  I'm having a bit of hardware specific
trouble, but I don't think that is the fault of the code - I just need
to configure the kernel a bit better.  Anyways, thanks for the
suggestion Fernando, and perhaps you may want to offer that tar file for
others who want to try out your kernel on another distro.

Best Regards,


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