[PlanetCCRMA] MIDI on the RME Multiface

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Tue Sep 16 17:32:02 PDT 2003

I'm trying to use pmidi to drive any of several synths I have.

I still can't get it to work. The shell acts as if its working --
meaning that there are no errors displayed, that the pmidi command gets
a pid, and that the prompt doesn't return for about the time it would
take to actually play the MIDI file. 

pmidi -l yields:

 Port     Client name                       Port name
  72:0     Rawmidi 1 -  MIDI 1                MIDI 1
   72:32    Rawmidi 1 -  MIDI 1                MIDI 2
    80:0     Virtual Raw MIDI 2-0              VirMIDI 2-0
     81:0     Virtual Raw MIDI 2-1              VirMIDI 2-1
      82:0     Virtual Raw MIDI 2-2              VirMIDI 2-2
       83:0     Virtual Raw MIDI 2-3              VirMIDI 

       So, I try pmidi -p 72:0 [filename.mid]

       And ...

       pmidi -p 72:32

       All I get is silence.

       			Stumped in Silver Spring

But, there's nothing happening from my speakers. So, how do I debug? I
know I can play .wav through the Multiface, or data from a DAT via
sp/dif on it. Of course, I had to enable these via amixer. Might there
be a setting in /etc/asound.state that needs setting?

Mark Knecht writes:
> From: "Mark Knecht" <mknecht at controlnet.com>
> >
> > Can anyone advise on whether the MIDI ports on the RME Multiface can be
> > used from Linux? I can't figure out anyway to address them from anything
> > I can use (like pmidi, for example).
> >
> > Also, is the serial port on the Multiface useful in any way?
> >
> > Thanks for anything anyone can say about this.
> I'm able to use the MIDI ports on the HDSP 9652, which is part of that
> family from RME. Try kaconnect to see how they are named in your system.
> Good luck,
> Mark
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				Janina Sajka, Director
				Technology Research and Development
				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Email: janina at afb.net		Phone: (202) 408-8175

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