[PlanetCCRMA] X wierdness

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Sep 1 21:45:02 PDT 2003

> After a while without updates I installed RH9 + the Planet on my Linux 
> box today.  I downloaded the iso's at school and then brought them home 
> and  reinstalled from scratch.  Everything seems to work with the 
> standard Red Hat kernel, but when I get some serious  weirdness when I 
> try to run X with the Planet kernel.  Basically, X tries to start up, 
> but with some bizarre screen artifacts, and then farts and dies.  It 
> will do this three or four  times before it asks if I want to try to 
> run the X configuration program.  I then run the program, and the same 
> thing more or less happens.  X runs fine with a stock kernel; I haven't 
> tried the RH + capability kernel yet.

That's the next thing I would try. Most probably it will work fine. 

> My setup:  Athlon (T-Bird), VIA chipset, S3 Trio video card (AGP), 384 
> I was trying to run the 2.4.21-1 kernel.

You could look up the messages in /var/log/XFree86.0.log to see why it
is failing. It is impossible to tell without that. 

-- Fernando

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