[PlanetCCRMA] CM Problems

Ken Locarnini renueden at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 17 09:24:01 PDT 2003

I just installed the latest Planet, and I'm having a problem with 
clisp-cm-clm-cmn.  I load and compile my instruments as usual, but when 
try and load a piece I'm working on, CM complains that no class is 
defined, when it is clearly loaded.  If I do a with-sound, clm compiles 
and plays. What gives?!?  Thanks,

[nunativs at localhost tmp]$ clisp-cm-clm-cmn
;; Loading file /usr/lib/clisp/cm-clm-cmn/lispinit.lisp ...
;; CM 2.4.0 (06/28/2003); CLM 2 (08/18/2003); CMN (08/15/2003)
;; Loaded file /usr/lib/clisp/cm-clm-cmn/lispinit.lisp
[1]> (load ".cminit.lisp")
;; Loading file .cminit.lisp ...
;;  Loading file v.ins ...
; Writing "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_FM_VIOLIN.c"
; Compiling "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_FM_VIOLIN.c"
;;  Loaded file v.ins
;;  Loading file nrev.ins ...
; Writing "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_NREV.c"
; Compiling "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_NREV.c"
;;  Loaded file nrev.ins
;;  Loading file fmex.ins ...
; Writing "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_FM_BELL.c"
; Compiling "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_FM_BELL.c"
; Writing "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_FM_DRUM.c"
; Compiling "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_FM_DRUM.c"
; Writing "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_GONG.c"
; Compiling "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_GONG.c"
;;  Loaded file fmex.ins
;;  Loading file simp.ins ...
; Writing "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_SIMP.c"
; Compiling "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_SIMP.c"
;;  Loaded file simp.ins
;;  Loading file pluck.ins ...
; Writing "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_PLUCK.c"
; Compiling "/home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/clm_lnxclp_PLUCK.c"
;;  Loaded file pluck.ins
;; Loaded file .cminit.lisp
[2]> (define (a)
   ;; create a heap of keynums out of a list of notes.
   (let ((notes (new accumulation :of '(c4 f g c3 d g bf4 c5 ef4 d3 c4)))
	(rhy (new cycle :of '(e e e s s e e e s s e e e s s e e e t t t t)))
	(amp (new palindrome :of '(.5 .1 .1 .3 .1))))
       (process for i from 0
	       ;; iterpolate an amp between .2 and .8 every 6 notes.
	       for a = (next amp)
	       for n = (next notes)
	       for r = (rhythm (next rhy))
	       repeat 200
	       output (new simp
			   :time (now)
			   :frequency (hertz n)
			   :duration (* r 2)
			   :amplitude a
			   :reverb-amount .05
			   :amp-env '(0 0 2 1 10 .5 100 0))
	       wait r)))

(define (b)
   ;; create a heap of keynums out of a list of notes.
   (let ((notes (new cycle :of '(c2 bf1 f2 g2)))
	(rhy (new cycle :of '(b)))
	(amp (new palindrome :of '(.6))))
       (process for i from 0
	       ;; iterpolate an amp between .2 and .8 every 6 notes.
	       for a = (next amp)
	       for n = (next notes)
	       for r = (rhythm (next rhy))
	       repeat 10
	       output (new simp
			   :time (now)
			   :frequency (hertz n)
			   :duration (* r .9)
			   :amplitude a
			   :reverb-amount .05
			   :amp-env '(0 0 1 1 5 .3 100 0))
	       wait r)))

*** - FIND-CLASS: SIMP does not name a class
1. Break [3]>
*** - FIND-CLASS: SIMP does not name a class
2. Break [4]> (with-sound()(simp 0 2 110 .3))
;; Loading file /home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/rc.pool.cl ...
;; Loaded file /home/nunativs/sound/cm/clm/compiled/rc.pool.cl
2. Break [4]>

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