[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora vs. PlanetCCRMA round two (good news)

Ryan G. ryanpg at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 12 05:15:02 PDT 2003

Morning all,

You CAN "upgrade" to fedora and expect much of the planet to work
(pretty much any rpm based ix86 system will work).  HOWEVER, fedora is
currently a test release suitable only for masochists such as myself
(the only really valuable thing in fedora currently is gnome, the
kernels provided on the planet are newer and better IMHO).  My advice
(and I think Fernando would agree) is that if you intend to have a
stable, maintainable, functioning, planet ccrma system you should stick
with redhat 8 or 9.  Fedora is cool if you want bleeding edge (or if
you need to constantly break and fix your operating system in order to
soothe your debilitating anxiety ;-).  Redhat 9 is pretty stable and
nice as it is.  If you MUST have fedora, wait a while, there's a new
core release due out soon.

Please ignore the following rant: The more people that "break the
rules" the more poor Nando has to try to hand-hold, tutor and trouble
shoot.  Actually if it were ME running the repository I'd probably say
something like "I'm sorry but absolutely no support or advice will be
offered to those people using distributions other then those
recommended." but somehow Fernando seems to have a pretty BIG reserve
of patience.  I've benefited from it many many times.  Sometimes I'm
afraid I/we will break the bank though!  :-)

thanks and good luck,

--- Aaron <aamehl at bezeqint.net> wrote:
> Does this mean I could upgrade my system to fedora and still use
> planet
> ccrma??
> Aaron
> On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 07:41, Ryan G. wrote:
> > Howdy,
> > 
> > After a messy update (unrelated to ccrma) of Fedora to the latest
> test
> > release, some good news; ardour and swami work just fine without
> the
> > need to recompile.  (Previously neither would run).
> > 
> > Kaconnect has install issues however.  Btw, Fedora is looking
> pretty
> > promising/cool.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > -ry
> > 
> > =====
> > --r--
> > 
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