[PlanetCCRMA] here it goes...

Ryan G. ryanpg at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 6 19:02:01 PDT 2003

--- Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
> > Is there an easy way to apply a patch and then compile your kernel?
> There is a way, but it is not easy...

It never is, is it?

> > (Everything works so well I just want to apply a dtst patch and
> have a
> What is dtst?

It's the way a careless tired person spells dsdt (Differentiated System
Description Table).  ;-)

> > kernel compiled with gcc 3.3.1 so compiled modules don't complain. 
> I
> > don't need to change any configure options.)
> > 
> > Do I just need the kernel source (I mean is it already configured
> to
> > compile to your specs) or is there a special srpm package floating
> > about?
> There is a .src.rpm package you need (look at the "System Stuff" page
> on
> the web). You have to install it, then edit the spec file, add the
> patch
> there, change the version number of the package and finally rebuild.
> But
> for that you have to understand a little bit of spec file building...

Ok, I have that package but not that understanding.  I'll do some
googling and some digging... thanks I'll let you know how things go.



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