[PlanetCCRMA] here it goes...

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Oct 6 18:26:02 PDT 2003

> Is there an easy way to apply a patch and then compile your kernel?

There is a way, but it is not easy...

> (Everything works so well I just want to apply a dtst patch and have a

What is dtst?

> kernel compiled with gcc 3.3.1 so compiled modules don't complain.  I
> don't need to change any configure options.)
> Do I just need the kernel source (I mean is it already configured to
> compile to your specs) or is there a special srpm package floating
> about?

There is a .src.rpm package you need (look at the "System Stuff" page on
the web). You have to install it, then edit the spec file, add the patch
there, change the version number of the package and finally rebuild. But
for that you have to understand a little bit of spec file building...

-- Fernando

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