[PlanetCCRMA] should I have a new kernel?

Emiliano Grilli emillo at libero.it
Sun Oct 5 14:57:01 PDT 2003


I'm happily running planetCCRMA on a RH 8.0 machine, but apt-get
update/upgrade seems to leave out planetccrma-core.
What do I have to do to upgrade kernel + ALSA?

Now I'm running 
2.4.21-1.ll.acpi #1 Sat Jun 14 12:49:35 PDT 2003 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux


Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 0.9.4.
Compiled on Jun 15 2003 for kernel 2.4.21-1.ll.acpi with versioned symbols.

Emiliano Grilli
Linux user #209089 

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