[PlanetCCRMA] or - addendum to kernel/alsa

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Oct 1 10:09:01 PDT 2003

> well, since I have to apply the HDSP patch to the alsa drivers, maybe
> it would be better NOT to do the:
>   apt-get -o RPM::Install-Options::=--oldpackage install
> planetccrma-core
>   apt-get -o RPM::Install-Options::=--oldpackage install
> planetccrma-core-redhat
> and instead just do the:
>   apt-get install kernel-source#2.4.22-6.ll 
>   apt-get install kernel-source#2.4.20-20.1.caps 

Do you know if the hdsp patch made it into alsa CVS? I managed to build
alsa cvs last night, I could put a version for redhat 9 in the
planetedge repository. 

-- Fernando

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