[PlanetCCRMA] Soundcard woes!

Rory Walsh rorytheroar at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 26 07:12:01 PST 2003

Hi list, I just installed planetccrma and fristly I
must say WOW!! Great stuff, however I am having one or
two problems. The first is that whenever i use Audio
Player to play a sound file it just loops the first
few seconds over and over for about 30 seconds while
the application hangs? I also get this when I play a
sound through Mammut, however, when I use Pd
everything runs as expected. My soundcard is a VIA8233
AC97 and the reason I installed PlanetCCRMA was
becuase I could not configure this card to work any
other way? Any help is greatly appreciated! Also I am
running Redhat 8.0.


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