[PlanetCCRMA] Planet CCRMA lands on the Fedora Core 1 universe
aamehl at bezeqint.net
Tue Nov 25 11:55:03 PST 2003
Hi all, just caught my breath from the long hold..
I installed all and am having some problems.
1. I start qjackctl (interesting new ui) and it seems to take a while to
2. when I try starting ardour I get the following error:
aamehl at bzq-218-14-208 aamehl]$ ardour
Ardour/GTK 0.409.2 running with libardour 0.697.0
Loading UI configuration file /etc/ardour/ardour_ui.rc
Loading system configuration file /etc/ardour/ardour_system.rc
Loading user configuration file /etc/ardour/ardour.rc
MIDI: MTC on port hw:0 MMC on port hw:0
liblrdf: error - - file '/home/aamehl/.ardour//sfdb' open failed - No
such file or directory
Segmentation fault
[aamehl at bzq-218-14-208 aamehl]$
any ideas???
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