[PlanetCCRMA] SimulAnalog plugin to LADSPA?

Jorma R rjorma at sunpoint.net
Fri Nov 21 00:45:02 PST 2003

Sorry for the double posting... I messed up with my outbound email adress.

> Maybe you should ask the creators of the project?

Maybe I should, yes. Some of the people and institutions referred to in the documentation are Finnish like me so maybe I should start from there.  Having CCRMA on the list just made me think you might know something on this already.

Thanks for the WINE tips everyone!


>> The actual question:
>> I noticed that the SimulAnalog VST plugin - guitar amp / effect
>  pedal modelling - 
>> is getting great feedback from it's users.
>> http://www.simulanalog.org/
>> Interesting is that the plugin a result of academic research and
>  therefonre free. 
>> Even more interesting is that CCRMA is one of the institutions
>  involved in the 
>> reseach project.
> Not that I know off. CCRMA is listed once in the links section of the
> web site but that's it as far as I can tell (maybe another more
>  informed
> ccrmalite in the list would know better?). The papers referenced in
>  the
> "Articles" section would seem to point at an Italian origin of the
> researchers, but I could not find (but I did not look very closely)
> _where_ the project originated or what is the academic institution
>  that
> sponsors it (if any). Let me know if you find relevant links. 
>> Is there a change of seeing this plugin ported to LADSPA and
>  included on the 
>> Planet CCRMA some day? 
> Maybe you should ask the creators of the project?
> -- Fernando
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