[PlanetCCRMA] Getting 'Line-In' signal, but can not record with any application

Yudhi Kusnanto yudhi at akakom.ac.id
Thu Nov 6 17:30:03 PST 2003

On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, paul wrote:

> I've used alsamixer to unmute line-in, can hear the signal through my
> main speakers, but none of the programs that have the ability to capture
> are doing it. E.g. snd's VU meters don't move, and audacity gives me a
> flatline...

to capture via line-in you have to select it explicitly, e.g, with
alsamixer it's easy, just point to line-in then press space-bar. capture
indicator on top of channel will show that.

|===[ Yudhi Kusnanto ]==============[ +62 811 292 184 ]===|
|===[ STMIK Akakom Yogyakarta ]=====[ +62 274 486 438 ]===|
|===[ Indonesia ]===[ http://www.akakom.ac.id/~yudhi/ ]===|

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