[PlanetCCRMA] HopelessDSP...
derek holzer
derek at x-i.net
Tue Nov 4 11:04:53 PST 2003
>Did you ever try using the Planet CCRMA RedHat kernel with capabilities?
trust me, i tried all kinds of permutations on kernels and boot options
involving the ACPI and PCI flags i could find. the problem is one i
remember from when i first tried Red Hat... the PCMCIA slots just never
seemed to get recognized right or something. i figured that if the
Planet kernel was more vanilla, then those problems would disappear.
that is why i was curious how different the Planet kernel is.
>From what you say it is not alsa, it is something in the PCMCIA
>system (in your successful tests with Debian, which version of alsa were
>you using?)
my version of DeMuDi had some semi-old ALSA drivers, but i don't
remember the version number. i can check the DeMuDi live CD that load
the card fine and get back to you.
>maybe it is time to try to release (in a few days) another
>set of test alsa packages to see what's new in the RME front in alsa.
let me know and i will happily guinea-pig them.
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