[PlanetCCRMA] A7N8X ethernet trouble

Anthony Page anthony.page at acadiau.ca
Tue Nov 4 09:50:03 PST 2003

Hey all
Trying to setup CCRMA here with an ASUS A7N8X motherboard with onboard
NVIDIA ethernet. Trouble is, linux is not recognizing the ethernet right
away.  With Red Hat 9.0 with kernel 2.4.20-8 I had it running with the
NVIDIA linux drivers
(http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_nforce_1.0-0261.html). But after making
the CCRMA kernel upgrade I'm once again without the net.

Any suggestion's or links to point me to?

I have the rpm src for the NVIDIA drivers as well at the tar, but have not
been able to get it.

Thanks for the help, looking forward to ALSA.

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