[PlanetCCRMA] fedora

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Nov 3 10:33:01 PST 2003

> Good news to report.  Fedora Core One is largely planetCCRMA friendly. 
> I had some trouble with qt apps but that seems in the past now.  

Good to know. But that is installing RedHat 9 apps on top of Fedora,
right? There could be additional trouble (for me) when I try to rebuild
all of Planet CCRMA on top of it. 

> Fedora
> core One will be released sometime this week (the developers are
> waiting for some "export" issues to be resolved).
> This really is good news because as I understand things redhat is only
> supporting rh9 till March.  Fedora will be the new desktop variant of
> redhat.  There's lots of discussion about this and many people are
> moving away from redhat because of it (mostly sysadmins who have many
> machines that will require updating often).  I like fedora currently
> because it's quite a bit more bleeding edge and frequently updated, but
> the timed release nature of it will be a bit of a problem for some... I
> fear Nando's job will become even harder (if that's possible).
> So just a word to yall bout what's coming down the pike.

Just a heads up on the upcoming release. Apparently it is going to
happen this week (last tentative date I read on the list on Friday was
the 5th). 

If the release happens on the 5th, a matching Planet CCRMA will _NOT_ be
available on the 6th!! Definitely... :-) ;-) :-)

I will have to download the iso's (when the mirrors have a little less
load), find a machine to install them in and start the long road to a
full rebuild of all packages. My guess based on previous new releases is
that a good set of packages should be available within, let's say, a
week. The whole thing may take a while longer. This is no roadmap, just
a guess, it depends on too many factors to plan ahead. 

Anyway, be patient. I guarantee that after installing Fedora Core you
will _not_ make more beautiful music than with RedHat x.x (well, I guess
Ryan is probably the exception that confirms the rule :-) ;-) :-)

-- Fernando

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