[PlanetCCRMA] burning the CD .img's on a PC

Aaron Heller heller at ai.sri.com
Sun Nov 2 06:00:02 PST 2003

Claudius Maximus wrote:

> I downloaded the Planet CD images from the website (all 6 of them, rh9 
> variants), but I don't know what settings to give the burning program 
> (Nero Burning ROM on Windows 98).  It asks me to choose between Data 
> Mode 1 and Data Mode 2, and there are some other choices to make that 
> I can't remember right now as I'm not on the computer that I used to 
> download the CDs.
Cancel out of the wizard and select File -> Burn Image.  In the file 
selector box that comes up you need to set the file type to "All Files 
*.*" or else you won't see .img files.  

On the Burn panel, set "disk-at-once" mode and check that the burn speed 
is correct.  For some reason,  Nero defaults to twice the rated speed of 
the media (e.g., you have a 48x burner and put in 16x media, the burn 
menu will default to 32x).

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