[PlanetCCRMA] burning the CD .img's on a PC

Claudius Maximus gloriousclaudiusmaximus at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Nov 1 13:04:01 PST 2003


I downloaded the Planet CD images from the website (all 6 of them, rh9 
variants), but I don't know what settings to give the burning program 
(Nero Burning ROM on Windows 98).  It asks me to choose between Data 
Mode 1 and Data Mode 2, and there are some other choices to make that I 
can't remember right now as I'm not on the computer that I used to 
download the CDs.

So help me all you friendly people, I'm looking forward to rejoining the 
planet after a too-long abscence (something to do with rm * as su, big 



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