[PlanetCCRMA] Source kernel.

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando@ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed May 28 17:08:01 2003

>   I'm starting to play with source code more and more, and over the
> weekend I compiled my first kernel. (It runs, barely.) I was wondering,
> and I know I ve seen this somewhere, but cant find it, What Source do
> use, and what patches that arent config options are you compiling in,
> and where can I find the source for these patches? 

The whole thing is contained in the kernel source rpm (.src.rpm). If you
download and unpack it (rpm -Uvh) it will put the kernel spec file (the
list of instructions to rpm on how to build the binary rpms) in
/usr/src/redhat/SPECS and all the sources in /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES.
There is a lot there that I'm not using (the original redhat patches).
You have to look into the spec file to see which patches I'm applying to
the kernel. 

I'm afraid explaining the ins and outs of building rpms and the contents
of the spec file would take a long time...

> Also, can I just
> compile in source Alsa Drivers? 

I don't know if I understand the question...

> One thing I'm finding confusing is how
> some kernels take alsa-kernal, while others take alsa-drivers. 

The alsa driver kernel modules rpm for the old 2.4.19-1.ll kernel was
named alsa-driver-KERNEL_VERSION, in the newer kernels the name changed
to alsa-kernel-KERNEL_VERSION. I'm still keeping the old rpms in the

> Also, you
> said a while back that all youre kernels would be apci, and to just
> disable acpi if unwanted, but some of the new kernel's I've seen on the
> repository lately dont mention apci in the version, and they dont seem
> to have apci functionality.

Hmmm, which ones? The last release is 2.4.20-4.ll.acpi and contains
acpi, 2.4.19-1.ll is older and does not have it (there was another rpm
with acpi in it). 

> one more silly question: What is the "capabilities patch" and what does it
> do?

See: http://jackit.sourceforge.net/docs/faq.php#a5

-- Fernando