[PlanetCCRMA] Fwd: The New Csound LGPL License - At Last Free...
Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu
mauriziopuxeddu at yahoo.it
Sat May 10 07:43:02 PDT 2003
Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu.
John ffitch posts "his" TODO list during Canonical Csound Freeze
Code Freeze Projects to Futerize Canonical Csound:
[*] File formats - Need to make analysis formats more robust
[*] Byte order in src - Use config stuff to simplify the code
[*] OSC opcodes - These are currently not working
[*] New Parser - (details in developers archive)
[*] Return values - Use return values rather than globals
[*] Globals - Reduce the number of globals
[*] Memory use - Make it easier to stop memory leaks,
[*] Destructors - Make use of the destructor functions
[*] Bug fixes- There are still some outstanding bugs
[*] Argtype decode - Revise material in entry for expansion
[*] Remove Winsound - Remove all code remnants of Winsound
[*] Multiple Outs - Change to produce multiple output files
[*] Soundfiles - Decide which library to use.
[*] API - Get this clarified and integrated
[*] Automation bus - Add asynchronous variables
[*] Autoconf - Finish incorporation of autoconf code
[*] SoundLib - Portaudio now incorporated
... and much more!
On Sat, 2003-05-10 at 16:12, Kevin Conder wrote:
> Here's some exciting news... Csound is now Open Source!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 02:42:51 -0400
> From: "Dr. Richard Boulanger" <csound at attbi.com>
> To: "Dr. Richard Boulanger" <rboulanger at berklee.edu>
> Subject: The New Csound LGPL License - At Last Free...
> Dear Students, Colleagues, Friends,
> On May 1, 2003 - the Licensing Office of MIT authorized me to notify
> you
> that they and Barry Vercoe had decided to change the Csound License and
> make it "Open Source under the GNU-LGPL." Below is a note that Barry
> Vercoe asked me to forward you regarding this incredibly wonderful
> decision. After his note, I have included the email message that I
> sent
> to the Csound List accounting the details of the meetings and emails
> that led to this event. Lastly, I have included the LGPL and FDL
> licenses so that any and all of you who use Csound and make music with
> Csound can now understand and appreciate all of your new freedoms!
> =====
> Dear all
> Each time I have developed a major system for Musical Sound Synthesis I
> have tried to make the sources freely available to the musical
> community. With MUSIC 360 in 1968 that meant running to the Post Office
> every day to mail off a bulky 300 ft reel of 9-track digital tape, but
> I
> really did enjoy the many hundreds of pieces this caused during the
> late
> 60's and 70's. With my MUSIC -11 for the ubiquitous and less costly
> PDP-11, I chose to pass the maintenance and distribution task off to a
> third party. This was easier on me, and led to even more pieces in the
> community during the late 70's and early 80's.
> At the time I wrote Csound in 1985 the net had now made it possible for
> would-be users to simply copy the sources from my MIT site, so I put my
> time into writing a Makefile that would compile those sources along
> with
> the sound analysis programs and the Scot and Cscore utilities. And
> though this was initially Unix, I worked with others to port it to
> Apple
> machines as well. After I was awarded an NSF grant in 1986, it became
> necessary to add a copyright and permission paragraph to the sources
> and
> the accompanying Manual. The spirit of my contribution however
> remained
> unchanged, that I wished all who would use it, extend it, and do
> creative things with it be given ready access with minimal hassle.
> Today the original wording of the permission no longer conveys that
> spirit, and the dozens of developers to whom I paid tribute in my
> Foreword to Rick Boulanger's The Csound Book have felt it a deterrent
> to
> making the best extensions they can. So with the graceful consent of
> MIT's Technology Licensing Office, I am declaring my part of Public
> Csound to be Open Source, as defined by the LGPL standard. This does
> not compromise the work of others, nor does it make the whole of Public
> Csound into Free Software. But it does create a more realistic basis
> upon which others can build their own brand of Csound extensions, in
> the
> spirit of my efforts over the years.
> I am indebted to John ffitch for having protected me from the enormous
> task
> of daily maintenance in recent years. His spirit is even greater than
> mine, and I trust you will continue to accord him that recognition as
> you go forward.
> Sincerely,
> Barry Vercoe
> =====
> --
> kwconder at yahoo dot com
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