[PlanetCCRMA] planet ccrma for RedHat 9

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 8 17:13:01 PDT 2003

> i finished a fresh installation of red hat 9. i did put every packages
> available (just to be sure nothing is missing) but i have a dependencies
> problem with apt :
> rpm -Uvh apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-1.i386.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         librpm-4.1.so is needed by apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-1
>         librpmdb-4.1.so is needed by apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-1
>         librpmio-4.1.so is needed by apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-1

Darn!! I'm missing the correct link in the web site! That's the rpm for
redhat 8.0. 

You can download and install the correct rpm from:


I'll fix the page latter (together with a bunch of upgrades that are in
the works). 

> i replaced the 4.1-1 rpm with this one :
> http://ftp.freshrpms.net/pub/freshrpms/redhat/9/apt/
> apt-0.5.5cnc5-fr2
> what does "fr2" means?

"Freshrpms", I guess. It should work fine provided you have the correct
sources.list and apt.conf files in /etc/apt. 

> it's working now, but i don't if i will discover some problems cause on
> planetccrma you don't have the apt.conf for this version.

It is there, it is common for all versions of redhat:


Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the report!
-- Fernando

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