[PlanetCCRMA] Question on finding 2.4.20-4 kernel headers

andy gallag andy_95030 at yahoo.com
Wed May 7 17:32:01 PDT 2003

i downloaded the source rpm for the 2.4.20-4.ll.acpi
and it seemed to install ok. I am building a new
driver and it is complaining that i have a problem
with the kernel headers or that my
acpismp/build symlink is not pointing to the correct
source tree. it is pointing to ../../../usr/src/
linux-2.4.20-4.ll.acpi directory.
does this look correct?
and when i do a rpm -qa | grep kernel or rpm -qa |
grep header should i be seeing a kernel-headers file?

I think i saw a note that the source and headers were
in the same rpm, yet i do see a least one header file
for a different version inthe archives using synaptic.
what am i doing wrong?  any help would be much

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