[PlanetCCRMA] problems (newbie)

alez at vodafone.es alez at vodafone.es
Tue Jul 8 01:18:02 PDT 2003

Hi Michael,

I'm quite new to this all as well. You seem to have quite serious 
issues with your Linux box now. At this point, it is probably a good 
idea to take a careful look at both syslog and bootlog to look for 
clues. Then, if you find some specific problem, you can try manpages / 
info and
find /usr/share/doc -iname "*whatever*"
to try to learn on the matter. Applications that find trouble tipically 
dump a couple of lines to syslog.

If you are not able to find out from the docs, at least you can copy 
the relevant log lines for us to take a look at. My experience is that 
the worst problem you can get is when everything is fine (no errors 
reported) but nothing works..

Good luck.


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