[PlanetCCRMA] ZynAddSubFX Discussions

Bob Ham rah at bash.sh
Sat Feb 1 16:26:02 PST 2003

On Sat, 2003-02-01 at 01:06, Mark Knecht wrote:

>    I must say the depth of what's going on in this tool is really quite
> amazing. He's really packed a lot in there. It's pretty well integrated,
> but I am having some Jack related problems over time. The synth starts
> out working fine, but after a while seems to develop xruns. I've also
> noted that changing controls creates xruns sometimes.

I've been emailing Mr Paul about the synth's jack support.  It uses
non-rt-safe code in the process callback (mutexes,) which could account
for the xruns.  Apparently, he wasn't aware that mutexes were bad.  No
response yet.

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